Trump’s Terrible Week
A series of misfires and self-owns have defined Trump’s response to the Harris threat
"given the fundamentals of a strong economy and the tailwinds of the midterms and the special elections, I would much rather be on our side than theirs...
Trump’s terrible week could become Trump’s terrible month, and even terrible performance come November. Let’s all work extra hard to make it so"

JD Vance tries, fails to clean up his ‘childless cat ladies’ mess
Vance wants people to know he has "nothing against cats."
OTOH, he has quite a lot against women
“the substance of what I said, Megyn, I’m sorry, it’s true. It is true that we’ve become anti-family. It is true that the left has become anti-child”
THAT's rich from the people who want to end Head Start & loosen child labor laws...

Why in the world does Trump keep saying, 'We don't need the votes'?
"The real challenge, the former president invariably adds, is dealing with cheating and electoral fraud that definitely exist in his weird imagination, despite Trump’s inability to substantiate his conspiracy theories with evidence.
In other words, every time the Republican downplays the need for votes, he’s necessarily emphasizing the need for unnecessary voter intimidation tactics:"

Struggling to govern, House Republicans start summer break early
"GOP House members could’ve engaged in good-faith negotiations, embraced legislative compromises, and scored some meaningful victories they could take to voters in the fall.
They didn’t want to. The result is a wasted governing opportunity and a blank slate where a record is supposed to be"
The blank slate IS their record:

The one Democratic criticism that seems to bother Trump the most
Democrats accuse Donald Trump of being a threat to democracy. This increasingly appears to be the one talking point that bothers him

Harris mocks Trump after he hedges (again) on presidential debate
"a couple of possible explanations for the antics. One was that Trump was engaged in a mind-numbing “work the refs” exercise, whining incessantly about ABC, in part in the hopes that the network will tilt the debate in his favor...
[Or] Trump and his team are simply afraid of how he’d perform against the incumbent vice president.
All things considered, the latter explanation appears to be the accurate one"

'Scared little punk'
Phillip asked why Trump would hand Harris a win and noted that "backing out of a debate isn't a good look for any candidate," leading Coaston to agree and note she believes Trump wants the debate to feel "less certain than it already appears to be."
Coaston suggested Trump wants the limelight back on himself, likely doesn't want to debate Harris and probably doesn't want to give Harris the "respect she would deserve" by agreeing to it.

Time to trot out a classic jam
You can get with this, or you can get with that
You can get with this, or you can get with that
You can get with this, or you can get with that
I think you'll get with this, for this is where it's at

A New Global Wave of Anti-Authoritarianism
We are living through a global renaissance of nonviolent mass protest
"The global surge in nonviolent protest in the past five years, and the countries making “U-turns” from years of illiberal governance or mobilizing to avoid that fate are two examples of a new reality unfolding that is grounded in the desire to stand up for freedoms and rights and push back against injustices and oppression"

How Kamala Harris Can Hit Back on Trump's Abortion Lies
How Kamala Harris Can Hit Back on Trump's Abortion Lies
"If Democrats want abortion to help them win this November, they must go on offense...
Accusations of extremism and ‘executions’ are Republicans’ last proactive abortion message. With Harris as the nominee—someone who knows about abortion rights and understands the issue deeply—we have a chance to shut it down:"

If you want to sing along loudly, like I did earlier today driving through a swing county in a swing state...

Trump Says He Won’t Change After Assassination Attempt: ‘Not Gonna be Nice!’
“They say, something happened to me when I got shot—I became nice. And when you’re dealing with these can’t be too nice. You really can’t be. So if you don’t mind, I’m not going to be nice"
All those fools who said he's finally be presidential...oh, never mind:

GOP's Tom Cotton pressed on weird talk about an anti-Biden 'coup'
"To think this applies to an incumbent president voluntarily withdrawing from a re-election campaign is obviously bad-faith nonsense, but there’s a related angle to this that shouldn’t go overlooked: If Republicans like Vance and Cotton are looking for evidence of developments that actually resemble a coup, perhaps they should turn their attention to Donald Trump’s Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol?"

Republicans' case against Kamala Harris is off to an ugly start
"On the one hand, Republican officials believe this will be the year in which they break through with voters in communities of color. On the other hand, GOP leaders feel the need to remind their members that targeting Harris with racism isn’t a good idea"

Desperate right-wing pundits beg Trumpists to stop being so weird and racist about Kamala Harris
"some right-wing pundits are begging former President Donald Trump and his supporters to stick to policy critiques rather than racist and misogynistic invective"
NARRATOR: They won't focus on policy because they know their policies are not what the majority of the American people want:

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